Netflix members within your network may report seeing a message indicating that they are using a VPN, proxy, or "unblocker" service. Members may also report that some expected content for their region is not available for playback. In either case, this points to a situation where we are flagging the IP address for potential VPN or proxy misuse.
If you feel that client IP address(es) are being inaccurately flagged:
To increase the chances that your IP addresses are correctly listed with us, please ensure that your IP addresses are properly registered with your Regional Internet Registry (RIR).
- If your IP addresses are allocated by an upstream provider, your upstream provider will need to request any necessary changes from the RIR.
- It can take 2 weeks or longer for our systems to discover RIR IP allocation changes.
If you have already taken these steps and the issue persists, please open a ticket.
If you are an ISP needing assistance that does not have access to our ticketing system, please start a live chat with a Netflix Customer Service representative.