Welcome to the Netflix Partner Help Center. Have a question or need help with an issue? Send us a ticket and we'll help you to a resolution.

Use Zendesk and the Partner Portal user interface to create and manage support tickets for the Open Connect team. You can open general support tickets, or tickets that are associated with a particular site or Open Connect Appliance (OCA).


When you open a support ticket in the Partner Portal, the Netflix Open Connect team is notified. You can use support tickets to report an issue with an OCA or a site, or you can open a general inquiry. Support tickets are routed to the appropriate Open Connect team, based on the type of ticket that you open.

Creating a new support ticket

If you are in the Partner Portal, you can open tickets from several places:

  • The main Tickets page (select all relevant sites and appliances)
  • A site page Tickets tab (site is pre-selected for you)
  • An appliance page Tickets tab (appliance is pre-selected for you)


If you are in the Zendesk help center, you can navigate to the Partner Portal to open a ticket by clicking the Submit a Request button at the top. You need to log in to the help center to see the link.


Viewing and managing existing support tickets

On the home page in the Partner Portal, open tickets for your organization are highlighted. From there, you can link to the main Tickets page, where you can explore all of the tickets that have been previously opened for your organization.

On each site or appliance details page in the portal, the number of open support tickets associated with the particular site or appliance is displayed in the Tickets column.

From any of these locations, click a ticket number to open the Zendesk ticket management view, where you can add comments to open tickets or re-open closed tickets.

From the Zendesk site, you can also see a list of your tickets by selecting "My Activities" from the login menu.



Outreach tickets

When a service-impacting operational issue is detected that needs your attention, a Netflix contact or our monitoring automation will open a ticket to you that includes a description of the situation and the actions required. These tickets are marked as Outreach. Please attend to these issues in a timely manner - they may be impacting our operational processes or causing streaming issues for your customers.

For more information about how we communicate about operational issues, see: Viewing and managing active operational issues in the Partner Portal






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