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In the Partner Portal, you can view and edit the shipping addresses that are associated with each site. The shipping addresses in Partner Portal are selectable when you are filling in site surveys or other forms in the Partner Forms application, so updating them in the portal helps streamline the process of filling in these forms.

To view and edit shipping addresses for a site:

  1. Navigate to a site details page from the Embedded Sites list on the home page.


  1. On the site details page, click the Shipping Addresses tab.  

    The list of addresses are all of the addresses that have been entered by your organization either here or through the Partner Forms application. The primary address is the address that is selected by default as you fill out new forms in the Partner Forms application.

  2. To edit an existing address, click the edit icon.  shipping-address-edit.png To add a new shipping address, click the green + icon. shipping-address-new.png
  3. Make your changes and click Save.


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