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There are two methods you can use to check the optical strength on an OCA:

Using the Partner Portal to check optical strength

  1. From the main Sites and Appliances page, navigate to the appliance that you want to check.
  2. On the appliance details page, open the Metrics tab.
  3. Select the Light Levels chart. The chart indicates thresholds for light levels that are questionable (degraded) or broken (out of range).
  4. If the values are out of range, follow the steps in the article: Troubleshooting input errors or low light levels on an OCA, then re-check the levels.


Using the console to check optical strength

  1. Connect to the console on the appliance.
  2. Using the up/down arrows and the 'Enter/Return' key on your keyboard, choose the 'Optical strength readings' command option.


  3. View the list of of signal strengths for each interface:


    Interface names are mapped as follows:


    Optical signal strengths should be in the following range:

    Optical Receive Power: 0 dBm to -10.0 dBm

  4. If the values are out of range, follow the steps in the article: Troubleshooting input errors or low light levels on an OCA.
  5. To refresh the values, press the 'Enter/Return' key to exit, then repeat steps 2-3.
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