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The options for updating the network configuration (IP address, gateway, or subnet mask) on an OCA is different, depending on whether you are updating the IPv4 or the IPv6 configuration.

In all cases, a reboot of the OCA is required. The OCA must be disabled and fully drained of any traffic before you update the configuration.

For IPv6, there are two options:

  1. Use the Partner Portal to remotely update the network configuration, or
  2. If you have physical access to the OCA, you can also choose to use the console on the appliance.

Important: If you choose to use the Partner Portal to make IPv6 network configuration changes remotely and errors occur, you might need to physically access the OCA and use the console to fix the issues.

As with other OCA modifications, making these changes in the Partner Portal requires users to have Admin or Engineering permissions.

For IPv4, there is only one option:

You must physically access the OCA and use the console on the appliance to update the IPv4 network configuration. IPv4 connectivity is required for OCA operation, therefore it is important to ensure that there is someone on site who can reconfigure and reboot the OCA if IPv4 configuration errors occur.

Before you start

Before you modify the network configuration of an OCA, you should drain the appliance of any streaming sessions. For more information, see this related article: Draining and disabling appliances. This step ensures that there is no traffic being served by the appliance.


  • An updated network configuration on an Open Connect Appliance will only take effect after a successful reboot.
  • Network configuration changes can take up to 20 minutes to be fully reflected back in the Partner Portal.
  • When you apply a new network configuration to an OCA, the router interfaces are automatically configured for Link Aggregation Group (LAG) with LACP, which is a requirement for OCAs. For more information about this and other router interface configuration requirements, see the Router Interface Configuration section of the Network configuration article.
  • If your IP changes necessitate any changes to the BGP session that was previously established with the appliance (for example, if you need to follow up to change the Multi-Hop setting or the BGP Peer IP), you can modify the BGP session for the appliance by following the instructions in this related article: Managing BGP sessions

  • After the appliance is re-enabled after the "Drained" period has ended, it will resume serving traffic.

Updating the network configuration remotely using the Partner Portal (IPv6 only)

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the OCA's details page, click on Network, and open the IPv6 Configuration tab.


    Assuming that the OCA has been disabled and fully drained of all traffic, a panel will open where you can specify a new or updated IPv6 network configuration.

  2. Enter the new network configuration in the panel that opens. You can either change the IPv6  configuration by entering new values, or remove the IPv6 configuration by checking the Remove IPv6 Config check box.
  3. Click Submit.


    The diagram on the right will display the progress for your request.

    After the request is complete, you can see the status of the request in the Request History list.reip-results-history.jpg

  4. After the new network configuration is applied and you can see your changes reflected in the Partner Portal, check the BGP Session configuration to ensure that it is still valid.


View the following video on updating the IPv6 network configuration:


Updating the network configuration using the console on the appliance (IPv4 or IPv6)

  1. Follow the steps in this article: Connect to the console on the appliance.
  2. Using the up/down arrows and the 'Enter' key on your keyboard, choose the “reip (edit current config)” command option.


  3. Follow the steps on the screen to modify the network configuration as needed, then click OK.


    If you see a warning similar to "Can't register hostname!", it can safely be ignored.  This message can occur if the OCA was not online at the time when this process was being performed.

  4. Choose the “reboot” command option and click OK.
  5. After the system reboots, log in again and choose the “ifconfig –a” command option.
  6. Verify that the IP address for “lagg0” is correct.


  7. Exit the console and disconnect the keyboard and monitor from the appliance.
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