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There are some concepts that are useful to understand when you are performing user management tasks in the Partner Portal. Contacts can be portal users or not, and can optionally have roles assigned to them. Portal users are assigned different portal permission levels.

Contacts vs. Portal users

Partner organizations can have contacts that do not have Partner Portal access. Portal users with the appropriate permission levels can manage these contacts and invite them to the portal or revoke their portal access as needed.

For a description of the difference between contacts and portal users, see the related FAQ article: What is the difference between contacts and portal users?


Contact roles (Engineering, NOC, Shipping, etc.) are used to determine which contacts should receive communicate from Netflix in a given situation. Communications are generally targeted as follows:

  • NOC contacts: Operational outreach tickets, email notifications about firmware upgrades or OCA maintenance
  • Logistics/Customs/Shipping contacts: Ad hoc email communication related to logistics for OCA deployments
  • Contacts that are specified in a deployment site survey (all roles except Customs): Email status updates for the deployment
  • Other roles: May be targeted occasionally for relevant outreach communication


Portal user permission levels control what tasks users can perform within the Partner Portal, as described in the table below. 

  Admin Engineering Read-only

Contact/user administration:

  • Create / delete contacts
  • Grant / revoke portal access
  • Manage portal user permissions
Yes (all contacts)  Yes (read-only users only) No 

Contact details management:

  • Add/edit phone number
  • Add/edit first/last name
  • Edit email address (see this FAQ)
Yes (all contacts) Yes (self or read-only users only Yes (self only)

OCA maintenance/management:

  • Drain for maintenance
  • Edit BGP configuration
  • Any future OCA self-service actions
Yes  Yes No

View/comment on tickets

Yes Yes Yes


Managing users and contacts

To view and manage your organizational contacts, click Users from the main menu.



Portal users with the appropriate permission levels can create, edit, or delete contacts as described in the table above.


Click the + icon at the top of the grid to add a new contact.  new-contact.png

As you are creating the contact, you can optionally specify roles for the contact and associate them with sites in your organization. If you are an Admin user, you can also invite them to the Partner Portal and specify portal permission levels. When you invite a contact to the portal, they are sent a portal invitation email with a link that they must use to complete the activation process.

To edit a contact, click the contact in the list and a panel opens where you can make changes.

If you are having problems managing contacts and portal users, open a ticket. If you cannot open a ticket due to login issues, send an email to partner-mfa-support@netflix.com.


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