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Objects in the Partner Portal are named and labeled using the following conventions.

Note: You can set preferences for how object names are displayed in the user interface on the Preferences page.

Open Connect Embed Sites

Open Connect Embed Sites are sometimes referred to as "ISP Sites", or simply "Sites".

Embed Sites are named as follows: <IATA-airport-code>YYY.<ISP-Name>

...where 'YYY' is a zero-padded integer that is assigned to each site based on the order of deployment, as described in the examples below.

Sometimes this is shorted to <IATA-airport-code>YYY when the partner name is implicit.

Open Connect Appliances (OCAs)

OCAs are named using the following convention: cXXX.<IATA-airport-code>YYY.<ISP-Name>

...where 'XXX' is a zero-padded integer that is assigned to each OCA and incremented according to the examples below.

As with the Embed Sites, this is sometimes shorted to cXXX.<IATA-airport-code>YYY when the partner name is implicit.


Assume there is an ISP partner called “CaliforniaISP” that has two facilities close to San Francisco, each with two appliances.

The <IATA-airport-code> in this case is "sfo", and the site names for this ISP will be:

  • sfo001.californiaISP
  • sfo002.californiaISP

 Assuming this is a brand new site, the two appliances in the first site will be named:

  • c001.sfo001.californiaISP
  • c002.sfo001.californiaISP

Specifically, "c001.sfo001.californiaISP" is assigned to the first IP address in the site survey that was submitted by californiaISP, and "c002.sfo001.californiaISP" is assigned to the second IP address in the site survey.

Alternatively, these appliance names can be shortened to "c001.sfo001" and "c002.sfo001" if it is implicit that they belong to "CaliforniaISP"

Similarly, the appliances in the second site will be named:

  • c001.sfo002.californiaISP (or shortened to "c001.sfo002")
  • c002.sfo002.californiaISP (or shortened to "c002.sfo002")

 If additional appliances are added to an existing site, either as RMA replacements, OCA moves, or as an augment, the 'XXX' values for the subsequently-deployed OCAs are incremented. It is important to note that RMA replacements are given a new 'XXX' value, they do not reuse the hostname of the OCA that they are replacing.

For example, assuming that two additional OCAs are subsequently added to the first site, they will be named:

  • c003.sfo001.californiaISP (assigned to the first IP address in the subsequent site survey)
  • c004.sfo001.californiaISP (assigned to the second IP address in the subsequent site survey)
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